Wild Arts Summer Camp
Since 2008, Wild Space has partnered with Lincoln Center Middle School of the Arts CLC to offer Wild Arts: Summer Creative Arts Camp, a multi-arts camp for middle schoolers. All students attend for free and registration is open to students entering grades 6th-9th who reside in the City of Milwaukee or attend MPS. Camp takes place Monday-Thursday, 9am-noon in June and July, coinciding with the Lincoln CLC afternoon program. This provides students with a full day of engaging activities and free meals.
Check back in spring for dates and registration information!
Through Wild Arts, students will:
Create original works of art and performance
Learn new skills in dance, visual arts, and theater/spoken word
Build friendships and self-confidence
Celebrate at a final sharing for family & friends
“My daughter specifically commented on how nice the teachers were. She signed up with a friend, but her friend could only go part of the camp and those were the only days my daughter wanted to go. She ended up having such a good time and felt so comfortable that she went on days her friend couldn’t. Success! Thank you for having this. Great memories were made.” - Parent
“A student found it really hard to make social connections due to her autism, would later find herself drawing in her sketchbook, sharing it with other students and becoming more comfortable with sharing her photography.” - Art Teacher
“There was a student who didn't participate in dance or theater on the first day of camp. She seemed to break out of her shell during the performance and even volunteered to be in a second scene and asked to be moved to the front of the dance.” - Dance Teacher
“This whole experience has been so positive for him! When I told him about the summer program when school first ended, he was kind of on the fence about it. I made him promise that if he decided to try it, he couldn't just quit after one day - he had to give it at least a whole week. Well, he didn't need the whole week. After the first day he said he wanted to stay the whole time. [My son] has actually been ‘diagnosed’ as having ADHD, and has been on medication for it for about 3 years now. Medication that he HAS TO TAKE every single day to be able to ‘make it’ thru the school day without having outburst after outburst. Except, [my son] hasn't taken ANY MEDICATION AT ALL this entire summer; not even on days he goes to camp! I believe that is 100% due to the small size/student to teacher ratio. He just does better in smaller groups where there are less distractions, less outbursts from other kids, and less noise in general Sorry this got so long. I really just wanted to say "thank you" for making this such a great experience for [my son] and for us.” - Parent
Wild Arts is funded in part by grants from Herzfeld Foundation, Greater Milwaukee Foundation, the Milwaukee Arts Board and the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin, Greater Milwaukee Association of Realtors Youth Foundation, Milwaukee County CAMPAC, UPAF, and individual donors.